Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why sending cards is important to me....

Can a card really make that big a difference in one's life? The answer is unequivocally - YES! I sent these cards to dear friends who, over time have not had the encouragement from me they need and deserve. We all get so busy, running from here to there and think people know how we feel about them. Sometimes (most of the time - for me anyway) people need reminders. I know I sure do. I was having a really hard week a few weeks ago and at just the right time. I went to get the mail and there was a card from a friend. It didn't say much but it was a reminder that I was loved and thought about today. What a way to turn the day around. Those simple words - yet so very powerful words. To know you are thought of and valued. It really doesn't matter how many times we are told.
I love having a variety of cards to send - friendship, birthday, get well. Who cares the reason - cards can and do matter. People need to know there is a God who loves them and people who love them too and will help them along this journey we are on. It is not easy but with a friend - it sure helps lighten the load. DaySpring gave me these free cards to review and all opinions stated are mine.

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